Location Highlights
- Address: 655 Old Rocksprings Road, #55
- Nearby Healthcare:
- Rolling Hills Health (Leakey, TX):
- Location: 121 Oak Hills Drive, Leakey, TX 78873
- Services:
- Primary and preventive care (in-person and virtual)
- Mental and behavioral health services
- Lab testing and immunizations
- Class D pharmacy services
- Reproductive health for all genders
- Health education and disease screening/management
- Sliding fee discounts and insurance enrollment assistance
- Larger hospitals located approximately 1 hour away in Kerrville and Uvalde.
- Rolling Hills Health (Leakey, TX):
Property Details
- Window Frames:
- Exterior cracks sealed with white caulking; recently painted for added durability.
- Trim on the backside of the house (below roofline) also freshly painted.
- Plumbing:
- Property features a septic system.
- Septic Tank Location: Between the house and the circular tree swing.
- Water Cut-off Valve: Positioned by the water outlet at the back of the house.
- Plumbing fixtures (faucets and toilets) updated in October 2019.
- Electric water heater located in the utility shed at the back of the house.
- Water Source:
- Shared well located in a small shack to the left of the house (viewed from the road).
- Annual and quarterly payments total approximately $660 per year.
- Well managed by neighbor Christi Almond.
- Trash Collection:
- Service provided by Rio Brewster Waste Management (Phone: 830-232-6727).
Outbuildings and Extras
- Shed:
- Tuff Shed added in 2021; will convey with the property.
- Riding lawnmower inside may also convey (final decision pending).
Additional Notes
- The property includes carefully maintained upgrades and utility features for ease of living.
- Sellers are responsive to additional inquiries and happy to provide further details upon request.
655 Old Rocksprings Rd #55
2 Bedrooms
2 Bathroom
1,008 sq. ft.
3% Buyer Agent Commission